Introduce ...
🌱 Hi there 👋, I'm Do Hung Anh
⚡ I am a Backend Engineer.
✨ I am always learning and looking for new knowledge.
Tech Stack
Top technologies
Other technologies
In Q3-2022 - Now 👨💼
🔥 Working at "VinID Pay" company of One Mount Group.
🔥 Honored to receive the award "Star employee" of the first quarter of 2023.
In 2022
🔥 Complete the "Software Development" course at Ronin Engineer
🔥 Participated in TOEIC 2 skills test at IIG Vietnam and got a score of 545.
In 2020
🔥 Complete the "Algorithms and Applications" course and receive a Samsung certificate.
In 2018 - 2023 🎓
🔥 Complete the study program at "Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology".
🔥 Received a "Excellent" scholarship for 7 / 8 semesters at the university.
🔥 Graduated and received a “good” degree from a university (GPA: 3.48 / 4)
Certifications 🏅
✨ The University Certificate: Excellent diploma from PTIT university (D06983)
✨ TOEIC-545: TOEIC 2 skills (IIG Vietnam)
✨ Samsung Certificate: Complete and pass the final exam of the "Algorithms and Applications" course organized by Samsung and PTIT (B18DCCN010)
✨ Ronin Engineer Certificate: Complete the course at Ronin Engineer and receive a certificate (Ronin Engineer)